You suck. And it’s your comfort zone’s fault!

Melanie Balke
2 min readFeb 17, 2018


I was scared shitless.

I was leaving a safe job, bosses I liked, a stable business, great co-workers.

I was leaving a job that let me get in at 10am, which meant I could surf every morning. A job that rarely had overtime. A job that let me work from home on Fridays.

What if the new job has me work crazy hours? What if the business is not successful? What if my co-workers and bosses suck?

I left anyway. Because feeling uncomfortable is a good sign for me. It means I’m doing something new. Expanding my horizon.

I told my old company. They made a really good counter-offer.

I told the new company. They didn’t raise their offer.

I left anyway.


Because I was uncomfortable. And that’s a good sign!

I was uncomfortable because I knew I had things to learn at the new job. I was uncomfortable because I knew I had to raise my own game to succeed at the new job. I was uncomfortable because I was starting an unknown adventure.


VENTURE = Taking a risk

2 weeks later.

I couldn’t be happier.

My bosses are greater than I could have ever imagine. My co-workers are the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. My tasks fill me with a ridiculous amount of joy when I compare it to other people’s jobs.

I work 11 hours a day.

Guess what, I LOVE IT!

I used to think 10–6 was a long day. But now 9–8 feels like a breeze.

I’ve learned more in 2 weeks than the entire last year. About myself, about marketing, about business, about things I didn’t know I knew.

I can’t wait to go back to work on Monday. And if that’s not the best damn feeling ever I don’t know what is!

Lesson? Get out of your comfort zone, it’ll only make you better! Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

